Rue Ariste Caussin 44 - 5500 Dinant
Reference | 6649295 |
Category | House |
Furnished | No |
Number of bedrooms | 3 |
Garage | Yes |
Terrace | No |
Habitable surface | 92 m² |
Construction year | 1874 |
Number of garages | 1 |
Access for people with handicap | No |
Type (ind/coll) of heating | individual |
Elevator | No |
Double glass windows | Yes |
Type of heating | gas burner |
Type of kitchen | not fitted |
Bathroom (type) | shower in bath |
Type of double glass windows | thermic isol. |
Laundry | Yes |
Attics | Yes |
Number of showerrooms | 354 |
Room 1 (surface) | 9.7 m² |
Room 2 (surface) | 15.43 m² |
Room 3 (surface) | 7.6 m² |
Living room (surface) | 26.65 m² |
Kitchen (surf) (surface) | 11.24 m² |
VAT applied | No |
Property occupied | No |
Easement | No |
Summons | No |
Urbanistic use (destination) | living zone |
Sewage | Yes |
Electricity | Yes |
Cable television | Yes |
Gas | Yes |
Phone cables | Yes |
Water | Yes |
Type of frames | vinyl |
Type of environment | city |
Type of environment 2 | commercial environment |
Flooding type (flood type) | not located in flood area |
Land registry income (€) (amount) | 354 € |
Nearby shops | Yes |
Nearby schools | Yes |
Nearby public transports | Yes |
Nearby highway | Yes |
Yes/no of electricity certificate | yes, not conform |
Energy certif. class | D |
Energy consumption (kwh/m²/y) | 292 |
E total (Kwh/year) | 27013 |
En. cert. unique code | 20231015001809 |